Kenneth D.Boa
& Robert M. Bowman Jr. Faith Has
Its Reasons,
D.Boa & Robert M. Bowman Jr. Faith Has Its Reasons, USA:
Paternoster, 2005.
In this present challenging world
Christians have been facing the difficult to How to relate the Christian
worldview to a non-Christian world. Twenty centuries of experience have not
simplified this task, as new challenges have arisen in every century and new
methods and approaches to defending the Christian faith have been formulated in
response. In this book Kenneth D.Boa (is engaged in a ministry of relational evangelism and
discipleship, teaching, writing, and speaking. He holds a B.S. From Case
Institute of Technology, a Th.M. From
Dallas Theological Seminary, a Ph.D. from New York University, and a D.Phil. From
the University of Oxford in England. He also is the president of
Reflections Ministries and Trinity House Publishers) and Robert M. Bowman Jr. ( is the president of the Centre
for Biblical Apologetic). Has brought
some of the important figures Apologetics.
This book contains six parts and twenty-three
chapters. In the first part of this book define Apologetics, its related terms,
and functions. The authors provide a defining Apologetics that stands head and
shoulders over most, due to their clear style and thorough treatment. The
authors then offer a brief history of Apologetics that covers the New
Testament, Early Church Fathers, Augustine, Aquinas, Anselm, and the Reformation,
closing with a discussion of modern Apologetics. In the chapter three, as they
explain four main types of apologetic systems: Classical, Evidentialist,
Reformed, and Fideist Apologetics. In part two They deals with the Classical
Apologetics it emphasizes the presentation of Christianity as rational as
logically coherent and supportable by sound arguments and offers what is its
advocates consider proofs of various for the existence of God as a first step
in defending the truth claims of the Christian faith. Here the authors
examining the roots of classical Apologetics and consider briefly the thought
of modern classical Apologist. Continually they bring how this principle is
related to various crucial areas of human knowledge that have an important bearing
on the truth claims of Christianity. In sixth chapter they speak about the
existence of the God, the evidence for Jesus Christ and the inspiration of the
Bible are sufficient to show that Christianity is true. In the conclusion of
the part two they summarize Classical Apologetics model for the Apologetics,
illustrate its use in practical Apologetics encounters, and then consider its
major strength and weaknesses. In part three the authors examine the
roots of evidentialist Apologetics and consider briefly the thought of five
modern evidentialists. And give special attention to the apologetic system of
the influential contemporary evidentialist John Warwick Montgomery. In part
four they emphasizing conservative Calvinistic or Reformed circles, the
approach emphasizes the presentation of Christianity as revealed as based on
the authoritative revelation of God in Scripture and in Jesus Christ. It’s most
common forms find absolute and certain proof of Christianity in the absolute
and certain Character of the knowledge that God has and that he has revealed to
humanity. They begin by examining in some
depth the apologetic thought of John Calvin himself. Following that they
discuss the Modern roots of Reformed apologetics, and then consider the thought
of four twentieth- Century Reformed apologists. In part five the authors
examine the roots of fideist Apologetics and consider briefly the thought of five influential fideist Apologists. Fideism or the emphasis
on a faith commitment. The reasons of the heart will bring you to a personal
encounter with God in Jesus Christ. Martin Luther, Blaise Pascal, Karl Barth
are proponents. They have argued that the insights of fideism can be
incorporated into apologetics. It is clear, though, that a full-bodied
apologetic will have to draw from one or more of the other approaches as well. In
Part Six: Integrative Approaches to Apologetics, the authors explore a number
of apologists who incorporate elements from each of the different approaches.
They “integrate” elements from the different methodologies: “Typically, these
apologists integrate two or more approaches by expanding one approach to absorb
elements (usually not the whole) of the others.
book is a good attempt Kenneth Boa and Robert Bowman have assembled a wealth of
information about what Christians believe and how to present that faith to an
unbelieving world. The book is very helpful in
identifying the various kinds of appeals, arguments, and defenses of the faith
that can be mounted. We are also reminded that people differ in what will
appeal to them, and they differ at various points in their lives. Each section
includes a sample dialog exhibiting how the practitioner of that apologetic style
would interact with a nonbeliever.
However, the book's greatest virtue is its ability to locate the importance of Apologetics in the life of the church as well as in the personal faith of the individual believer. I recommend this book to all of the Christian ministers, especially to the Christian Apologetics.
However, the book's greatest virtue is its ability to locate the importance of Apologetics in the life of the church as well as in the personal faith of the individual believer. I recommend this book to all of the Christian ministers, especially to the Christian Apologetics.